My more "legit" side

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Purehost Purehell

OK, so why did I post the previous? Because PureHost sucks. That said, so does ReadyHosting . com
Why? Probably because they are owned by the same company: Endurance Intl. EI is in the Web Hosting procurement business. That is all they do or care about. Unless you have a problem with Customer Service Support at any of their companies (, and 14 others at last count last Friday, March 10th, 2006), then you might have a chance, maybe. EI out-sources their Phone support for whenever their daughter companies require, but, their Tech Support is completely out-sourced on ALL shifts.

Friggin' amazing, and their out-sorcerers of Tech Support know absolutely nothing about FrontPage extensions/pick-yer-version nor FTP - and SFTP? Your dreaming, pal!

All very basic things to know as a Web Hoster.

I don't pay a web hoster to do the work I can't do myself, I pay them to do the work I DO know how to do, but don't have time to do. Its that simple. Most (and surely, EI's cadre) web hosters must think they are doing us a favor by knowing ANYTHING about the tools they should know EVERYTHING about!

And, yes, as a customer with PureHost, I suck! (you know, 1st time shame on you, 2nd time shame on me, 3rd time shame on my family)

The only fun silver lining about this mess, is that Tucows now owns the domain names of ALL of Endurance Intl's companies, including Endurance Intl. The reason? Tucows is a domain name registrar AND aggregator, unlike godaddy which is just a registrar! I love this kind of passive and uninvolved revenge!

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"HEY, dude! What"s with the name change?"

I took the name from a company that was apparently - for 6 months - either out of business or freakishly absent from the web, adding further mystery and intrigue to the WWW, and my lawyer advised me that since I do not sell products using this blog and does, I do not have to give them my blog name. So I will not. Not that there will be any future problems from said company, it's just that MY lawyer advises ME, and I usually follow that advise. Good hunting and be thinking Caddyshack 2 if you need to know what my lawyer is like.


copyright 2005+ by Dan Prowse