My more "legit" side

Thursday, July 06, 2006


PLUSSES: Great, funny, and sincere to the comedy that is TechTV (or was TechTV).
They still have that 'TechTV" spirit which I enjoy.

Office Jesus having His morning coffee? nothing short of genius. (or perhaps, Jenius, if you will)
to the newest
Inside the Porn Actors' Studio (or anything else); Pure conscious wrap-around.

Howevuh! Bring back Kevin Rose and add that Albrecht guy, and you've got sompin! (you could easily lose the Man Show or just slide it further into darkness).

Come on, bring back some of those good olden times, that feeling of geekery most of us geeks crave like a teenager loves a good fresh, cold banana.

MINUSES: Pinch my ride (Pimp my Ride, actually, as "Pinch My Ride" was a great parody) and any show like it - save those kind of lame shows for Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. Awful. Or AT LEAST get a new host that actually knows something about cars and women. That dude on there now knows little about either.

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"HEY, dude! What"s with the name change?"

I took the name from a company that was apparently - for 6 months - either out of business or freakishly absent from the web, adding further mystery and intrigue to the WWW, and my lawyer advised me that since I do not sell products using this blog and does, I do not have to give them my blog name. So I will not. Not that there will be any future problems from said company, it's just that MY lawyer advises ME, and I usually follow that advise. Good hunting and be thinking Caddyshack 2 if you need to know what my lawyer is like.


copyright 2005+ by Dan Prowse