And in fact I was NOT warned that my MP3s would no longer play after I upgraded to v7!
FUZZ VERIZON & FUZZ MICROSOFT for that. 2 bucking dollars per downloaded song to the phone, what BULLSHIT!
Now, what follows is a good example of a Verizon Store employee who is either lying or was lied to: (thank you Howard Forums)
What a genius (I say sarcastically).
There is no hack really, you just go into service and change the two settings back to ON. And he can't spell lose.
FACTOID: There will NEVER be a vendor software for ANY LG phone that can permanently disable ANY feature. ONLY the QUALCOM firmware is able to do that, and even that can be revised with the same QUALCOM chip firmware updater. I am NOT talking about bitpim, although bitpim can fuck your phone hard if you are not careful, BUT if you do screw your phone with a bitpim mistake, just re-update your firmware with the QUALCOM software (again, this is also different from the Qualcom Firmware) to reset your phone to "factory". The Qualcom software (NOT firmware) can allow you to change the Service Code Password and entry method (currently it is MENU, press 0, then press the default 6 digits). Also, there is an 800 number/website that allows you to hook to a modem/server so that you can send BREW code to your phone (iow, you can do your own OTA Programming!).
ALL LG vendor software (and only the vendor software) is DESIGNED ON PURPOSE to give the VENDORS their choice of what features they want their customers' phones to have. or NOT HAVE ! PERIOD. NO MORE ARGUMENTS. THE BUCK STOPS HERE.
And if by some off chance that a Verizon tech will not RE-ENABLE your phone settings after any software upgrade, then DEMAND a FLASHBACK (stop laughing, that is what it is called by the techs).
So you have (still have) the LG VX8100 and you want to know some tidbits? Good.
I will tell you as much as I know, so open a fresh clean thimble:
Today I went ahead and had my firmware version upgraded from 4 to 7 (I wildly ignored even asking the tech to do 5 or 6). I had heard the horror stories of , "If you update to v7, all your installed subscriptions will be deleted!" and THEY WERE to my dismay but not surprise, but what I did NOT find out about neither from the Verizon store tech nor the web yet was that this same upgrade will install a mini WMP and all of my data and MP3s and Pix located on my miniSD card would be deleted! (What really PISSED ME OFF was the fact that my Mightyphone subscription installation is NOT YET COMPATIBLE WITH v7 ! FUZZ!)
Well, it certainly looked that way. But, I need not worry because I have bitpim's latest version and a backup of all that is wholly; the spirit of my phone lives on.
Before I left the Verizon store - I had been on the phone with tech support (2 birds killed by one stone) talking of such incompatibilities of VCast AND Broadband on the SAME PHONE, hooaaa! - on a hunch I decided to ask for a "flashback" - stop laughing you bunch of stoners, that is the technical term! The nice serviceman asked, "Why?". I answered, "I already use iTunes and pay only 99 cents per song...". He stops me from talking with a wave of his Jedi hand, this Master of the Service Codes. And so, it was. I asked him, "How is this possible, that you can allow me to have not only the ability to play MP3s once again and not just WMAs, but also I can now see all of my "lost" data, mp3s and pix?!?!?!". He just nodded and said, "Service code.". "Ah.", said I, "no need to explain, thank you".
Sorry, still on a cliff over that "incompatibility of VCAST AND BROADBAND" living together?
No worries, as the info I had received 3 months ago was a lie perpetrated by a Ludite (Really the name of an antique floor polish) still apparently allowed to continue her vast employment with the megolith known only as, V E R I Z O N !!! Basically, the two features CAN coexist on the same phone.
AND: v7 does NOT take car of the picture taking delay at all. Still the same - pun intended.
ALSO : The sound Q of Video is still CRAP, and the 15 seconds of record time is still only 13.8 seconds - but you all know you can make that any time you want. Set it to ZERO if you want unlimited (only limited to your miniSD card) video recording time (this also affects your memo recording time as well).
HOWEVA! You do need to know that with version 7, some applications downloaded from the Qualcomm program service called "Get it Now" will no longer be available for download through that service! MightyPhone for one is NOT yet compatible (or at least the MightyPhone programmers need to GET OFF THEIR ASS and make MightyPhone version 3 available for download again for the version 7 users of the LG phone firmware/flash upgrade) with version 7. version 4, MightyPhone works. So, if you like MightyPhone better than iPhonebook (and who doesn't ?) or Remo, than you are going to HAVE to for the time being get your LG flashed back to version 4.
--------------HOWEVA, Again!
It seems there is a way to get those Get It Now apps back itno your newly upgraded 8100 !
Here's another bit from it is from January This year !!)
01-17-2006, 18:57 | ||||||||
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Backing Up/Restoring Games How To Here's how to back up and restore your GIN games so that you do not loose them when flashing your phone. BEFORE FLASHING YOUR PHONE 1. Goto the Filesystem tab in Bitpim and click the Brew folder. You will see a bunch of folders with numbers as their names. These are where your games are. 2. Look at the contents of each numbered folder to see which ones have your games. It's easy to tell by the names of the files inside. For example, for me folder 3015 contains tetris files. 3. Right click the game folder and select "backup directory". It will save the contents as a zip file. Do this for each of your games. 4. In the Brew directory you will also see a bunch of files with .mif extentions that have the same number name as your game folder. For example, the mif for tetris is 3015.mif. Save these files for each of your games. GET THE FLASH 5. Open Bitpim and go to the Brew folder. You will still see the numbered folders for each of the games, but the folders are empty. Also, the .mif files are missing. 6. Unzip the backed up games into their corresponding numbered folders and copy the .mif files into the Brew folder. Your games are now restored. The first time you try them it may say "registering apps" for a minute, but should work. Good luck. I don't think this works for transfering games between phones. Probably due to esn coding in brew 2.0. Also, you can back up everything at once by right clicking the root directory and selecting "backup entire tree". But that takes a while and saves everything in one large zip file. |
Just pissed. BUT, WAIT ! THERE's MORE !
Look what I found today (August 11th, 2006) [ ]

Let's just say that it's all about the PID. For the layman, that means Version 7 - sort of. IOW, version 7 changed the PID of the LG VX8100. The PID needs to be listed by fusionone or MightyPeople to Qualcom or the Get It Now people.
Well, what are they waiting for? I want to GET IT NOW!
Get it? Now?
And now, you know the rest of the story.
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