My more "legit" side

Friday, July 07, 2006

Intellisync by Microsoft

Intellisync by Microsoft has been sidcontinued and is no longer supported.
Their offer of replacement is to use:

"If you want to synchronize your calendar with Microsoft® Outlook, you can use Microsoft Office Outlook Live, which includes Outlook Connector and a subscription version of Outlook. If you have an MSN Premium account, you can use the version of Microsoft Office Outlook Connector that is included with MSN Premium."

Fuck you very much, Microsoft, fuck you very much.

No comments:

"HEY, dude! What"s with the name change?"

I took the name from a company that was apparently - for 6 months - either out of business or freakishly absent from the web, adding further mystery and intrigue to the WWW, and my lawyer advised me that since I do not sell products using this blog and does, I do not have to give them my blog name. So I will not. Not that there will be any future problems from said company, it's just that MY lawyer advises ME, and I usually follow that advise. Good hunting and be thinking Caddyshack 2 if you need to know what my lawyer is like.


copyright 2005+ by Dan Prowse