My more "legit" side

Friday, December 07, 2007


I hadn't noticed Maxthon2 doing much of anything in the way of changes or patches recently, due simply they just haven't needed to patch lately. Good job. So they are not following Firefox's lead in patch times (5 in the last 4 weeks).

No one thing I have noticed about (at least the latest update to .9xxx) is that Maxthon2 NO LONGER recognizes hidden files. Up until this latest update, I have had the WHOLE Maxthon2 folder and ALL contents HIDDEN in WinXP Pro and Maxthon2 has had ZERO problems. Now, with the newest update applied (installed over itself), Maxthon2 can NOT find hidden files in its own folder.

Just not acceptable. It worked before the update and should STILL BE WORKING.

Also, the latest update reveals that certain settings are PUT BACK to original condition - again, entirely NOT acceptable, as in; the default download folder is changed BACK to within Shared users folder insides the Maxthon2 folder! Maxthon and Maxthon 2 tout their ability to NOT install OVER previous user settings, and yet this latest update certainly DOES.

So, perhaps Maxthon WILL be following the lead of Firefox after all - in update frequency, as I doubt Firefox will ever catch up to the other par excellence of Maxthon or Maxthon2 !

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"HEY, dude! What"s with the name change?"

I took the name from a company that was apparently - for 6 months - either out of business or freakishly absent from the web, adding further mystery and intrigue to the WWW, and my lawyer advised me that since I do not sell products using this blog and does, I do not have to give them my blog name. So I will not. Not that there will be any future problems from said company, it's just that MY lawyer advises ME, and I usually follow that advise. Good hunting and be thinking Caddyshack 2 if you need to know what my lawyer is like.


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